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ADVR-254 搜索结果

  • 木村那美[ADVR-254][R18-140]作品及种子搜索

    2022-08-02 05:30:00


  • Frontiers | Sexually Dimorphic Patterns of Cell Proliferation...

    Frontiers | Sexually Dimorphic Patterns of Cell Proliferation...
    2018-05-31 16:00:00

    Figure 1. Distribution of BrdU-immunoreactive cells in the brain of adult red-sided garter snakes (Thamnophis sirtalis parietalis).(A)Schematic showing the dorsal view of the snake brain; the rostral portion of the brain...

  • Anthony @ Equity Investigations, Dear Anthony, Message Board...

    Anthony @ Equity Investigations, Dear Anthony, Message Board...
    2006-07-26 16:33:22

    ADVANCED VIRAL RESRH|ADVR|BB|33230|0|33230|100|302972|1ADVANT-E CORPORATION|AVEE|BB|5411|0|5411|100|1131|4.78ADVANTAGE CAPITL DEV|AVCP|NBB|1452|0|1452|100|3350|1ADVANTAGE LIFE PRODC|ADVT|NBB|5207|0|5207|100|...

  • nrf52832蓝牙开发踩过的坑 -

    nrf52832蓝牙开发踩过的坑 -
    2021-11-19 16:00:00

    解决办法是使用蓝牙5.0,它的容量就会增加到254byte,具体添加代码如下: /** * @brief Function for initializing the Advertising functionality. */voidadvertising_init(void){uint32_terr_code; ble_advertising_init_t adv_data; ble...

  • BLE低功耗蓝牙的广播内容 -

    BLE低功耗蓝牙的广播内容 -
    2021-09-14 13:26:00

    方法一:使用GapAdv_prepareLoadByHandle()和GapAdv_loadByHandle()方法 // 更改前的准备,GAP_ADV_FREE_OPTION_DONT_FREE指示不释放原内容。对广播和扫描同时生效。 GapAdv_prepareLoadByHandle(advHandle, GAP_ADV_FREE_OPTION_DONT_...

  • RSC Advances影响因子,是几区,期刊投稿经验分享,RSC Advances主页...

    RSC Advances影响因子,是几区,期刊投稿经验分享,RSC Advances主页...
    2022-09-05 16:00:00

    期刊投稿网址 http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/rscadv 是否OA开放访问 Yes OA期刊相关信息 文章处理费:需要( GBP750; )文章处理费豁免:查看说明其他费用:没有期刊主题关键词:chemistry、chemical sciences相关链接:Aims & ScopeAuthor Ins...

  • adv

    2020-09-06 09:34:15

    R remove spam 2年前 data v0.1.9.9000 4年前 inst rename weight updating functions, with the prefix of `smooth_` 3年前 man rm package dependency 2年前 src fix check_season and check_input ...


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