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DOC-008 搜索结果

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    2019-11-29 08:00:00


  • ANP008: Negative Input Resistance of Switching Regulators...

    ANP008: Negative Input Resistance of Switching Regulators...
    2022-07-05 16:00:00

    Negative input resistance of switching regulators Why a negative sign can result in puzzled looks and set the input of a switching regulator in oscillation ANP008C

  • mydoc008

    2021-03-25 16:00:00

    罗①:利贞,亨,畜牝牛②,吉。 【白话】筮得罗卦,利于贞问,办事亨通顺畅,畜养母牛,吉善美好。 【注释】①罗:卦名,捕捉飞鸟用的网,引申为捕捉。 ②牝牛:母牛。 【讲解】罗,通行本作离。离有附在上面和光明等含义。卦象取太阳、...


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