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IENE-224 搜索结果

  • [IENE-224][GOTV-003]作品及种子搜索下载

    2023-01-17 04:00:00


  • 读者iene的专栏(24966703)

    2023-01-05 16:00:00

    《穿成国舅爷后我要死了[西汉]》 衍生-言情-架空历史-东方衍生轻松连载516233350,837,5042022-11-09 09:00:00 《顶流和他老祖宗在综艺爆火啦》 原创-言情-近代现代-爱情轻松连载24150955,058,3922023-01-06 00:00:00 ...

  • 吉永あかね(吉永茜)资料简介及作品大全介绍 -

    吉永あかね(吉永茜)资料简介及作品大全介绍 -
    2021-04-19 02:59:00

    简介: 吉永茜(吉永あかね,Yoshinaga Akane),日本女演员,身高149cm,I罩杯,1992年10月30日出生于日本青森县,2013年出道的吉永茜(吉永あかね)脸蛋漂亮又有胸,算是妃乃光(妃乃ひかり)的武装加强版。 PS:图文无关 咖啡厅经常是许多人...

  • ...polymerization of 2,3-difunctionalized norbornadienes

    ...polymerization of 2,3-difunctionalized norbornadienes
    2023-01-10 09:08:39

    Fumio Sanda.Synthesis of diblock copolymers of indomethacin/aspartic acid conjugated norbornenes and characterization of their self-assembled nanostructures as drug carriers.European Polymer Journal2016,85, 211-224.https://doi....

  • In situ Generated 212Pb-PSMA Ligand in a 224Ra-Solution

    In situ Generated 212Pb-PSMA Ligand in a 224Ra-Solution
    2022-09-23 16:00:00

    Here, PSMA-targeting ligands are labelled with 212Pb in the 224Ra-solution in transient equilibrium with daughter nuclides. Thus, natural bone-seeking 224Ra targeting sclerotic bone metastases and 212Pb-chelated PSMA ligands ...

  • 已二烯雌酚 CAS#: 13029-44

    已二烯雌酚 CAS#: 13029-44
    2023-02-22 19:59:35

    熔点224-226°C 沸点349.54°C (rough estimate) 密度1.1305 (rough estimate) 折射率1.4800 (estimate) 储存条件Amber Vial, -20°C Freezer, Under Inert Atmosphere 溶解度DMSO (Slightly), Methanol (Slightly) ...

  • Mein Lieblingslieder - Schubert

    Mein Lieblingslieder - Schubert
    2017-01-12 09:49:35

    * No. 3D 224, Song "Wandrers Nachtlied I" ['Der du von dem Himmel bist'] for voice and piano (1815) Op. 5 * No. 1D 138, Song "Rastlose Liebe" ['Dem Schnee, dem Regen, dem Wind entgegen'] for voice and...

  • Environmental factors controlling the distributions of...

    Environmental factors controlling the distributions of...
    2021-09-28 16:00:00

    (VPDB) standard. The reproducibility of the GC-IRMS system was <0.5‰ for both standards and repeat analyses of selected samples (n = 3). Due to the co-elution of a fewn-alkadiene orn-alkatriene isomers, ...

  • Comparative Ab-Initio Study of Substituted

    Comparative Ab-Initio Study of Substituted
    2016-01-25 16:00:00

    Although dipole forbidden in unsubstituted norbornadiene (1N), this transition is found to be allowed with high dipole strength for all substituted norbornadienes (2N–6N). This implies that no triplet sensitizer is ...

  • OUH - Targeted alpha

    OUH - Targeted alpha
    2021-03-07 16:00:00

    Juzeniene A, Stenberg VY, Bruland ØS, Revheim ME, Larsen RH (2023) Dual targeting with 224Ra/212Pb-conjugates for targeted alpha therapy of disseminated cancers: A conceptual approach Front Med (Lausanne), 9, 10518...

  • 立陶宛 -

    立陶宛 -
    2023-02-14 14:44:18

    立陶宛共和国(立陶宛语:Lietuvos Respublika;英语:Republic of Lithuania),简称立陶宛(立陶宛语:Lietuvos;英语:Lithuania),位于波罗的海东岸,北接拉脱维亚,东连白俄罗斯,南邻波兰,西濒波罗的海和俄罗斯加里宁格勒州。国境线总长1644公里,海岸...


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