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MSSA-011 搜索结果

  • 長嶋あや[SP-325][MSSA-011]作品及种子搜索下

    2021-01-06 03:30:00

    長嶋あや[SP-325]发行于2010-11-02时长55分钟出品商是V&Rプランニング,SP-325作品种子搜索下载,[MSSA-011]发行于2010-11-07时长89分钟出品商是Close Market AAV(盗撮)/妄想族,MSSA-011作品种子搜索下载

  • ...the Lineage CC130, Including mecC-Carrying MRSA and

    ...the Lineage CC130, Including mecC-Carrying MRSA and
    2021-03-24 16:00:00

    Additionally, six MRSA-CC130 possessedscn-sakand one MSSA-ST130 hadlukMF’. The MSSA-ST700 strains were most divergent in their resistance and virulence genes. The pan-genome analysis showed that 29 genes were present ...

  • Frontiers | Genetic Characterization of Staphylococcus aureus...

    Frontiers | Genetic Characterization of Staphylococcus aureus...
    2016-06-08 16:00:00

    Five isolates of this clonal type were isolated in the study; 4 MRSA and 1 MSSA. All isolates possedagrII. The four CC15-MRSA isolates carried SCCmecV and the SCCfusdeterminant which were not observed in previously ...

  • Preventing Chronic Disease | Construction of a Multisite Data...

    Preventing Chronic Disease | Construction of a Multisite Data...
    2012-10-31 16:00:00

    Kaiser Permanente Southern California: Jean Lawrence, ScD, MPH, MSSA; Melissa Preciado; Jian (Leon) Zhang; Chengyi Zheng, PhD Kaiser Permanente Southeast: Melissa Butler, PharmD, MPH, PhD, BCPS; Ashli Owen-Smith, PhD...

  • 智能优化算法改进算法 -

    智能优化算法改进算法 -
    2021-11-27 01:20:00

    摘要:为了方便大家对智能优化算法进行改进,复现多种智能优化改进算法供大家参考。所有代码均根据已经发表的文章,来复现方便大家参考别人的原理,代码会不定时更新。 1.文献复现:基于变因子加权学习与邻代维度交叉策略的改进乌鸦算法Matlab代码...

  • 遥感数据时空尺度对地理要素时空变化分析的影响

    2022-06-29 20:00:06

    摘要: 地理要素的时空变化分析对于了解和掌握地表的规律性有着重要的作用。利用地面站点观测、实地调查等传统方式获取数据,对地理要素进行时空变化分析是最常用的方法。但该类方法往往表现的是“点尺度”观测,不能在大尺度情况下准确地反映...


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