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NKT-017 搜索结果

  • 山口ナオミ[NKT-017][MHD-040]作品及种子搜

    2022-07-24 09:00:00


  • NKTE-10 380V_工控栏目

    NKTE-10 380V_工控栏目
    2021-12-29 16:00:00

    NKTE-10 380V 有效期: 2022-12-30 数量(个)价格(元/个) 1 1元/个 供货总量: 电议 最小起订: 1个 发货地址: 深圳 付款方式: 面议 发布日期:2021-12-30 访问量:353 咨询电话:136-6255-1001 打电话时请告知是在...

  • ...the potent immunosuppressive activity of cultured CD8+NKT...

    ...the potent immunosuppressive activity of cultured CD8+NKT...
    2008-09-06 16:00:00

    CD8+ NKT-like cells are naturally occurring but rare T cells that express both T cell and natural killer cell markers. These cells may play key roles in establishing tolerance to self-antigens; however, their mechanism...

  • Activation of invariant natural killer T cells stimulated...

    Activation of invariant natural killer T cells stimulated...
    2017-08-28 16:00:00

    Some synthetic and bacterial glycolipids presented by CD1d specifically activate invariant NKT (iNKT) cells bearing an invariant Vα14-Jα18 (mouse) or Vα24-Jα18 (human) TCR. The antigenic glycolipids identified to ...

  • 全自动激光粒度分析仪nkt5200-h - 全自动激光粒度分析仪nkt5200

    全自动激光粒度分析仪nkt5200-h - 全自动激光粒度分析仪nkt5200
    2022-02-18 16:00:00


  • Frontiers | Regulation of NKT Cell Localization in...

    Frontiers | Regulation of NKT Cell Localization in...
    2015-05-26 16:00:00

    Natural killer T (NKT) cells are a specialized subset of T lymphocytes that regulate immune responses in the context of autoimmunity, cancer, and microbial infection. Lipid antigens derived from bacteria, parasites, and ...

  • 激光粒度分析仪 nkt5100-h-激光粒度分析仪 nkt5100

    激光粒度分析仪 nkt5100-h-激光粒度分析仪 nkt5100
    2022-06-04 16:00:00

    百度爱采购为您找到2条最新的激光粒度分析仪 nkt5100-h产品的详细参数、实时报价、行情走势、优质商品批发/供应信息,您还可以免费查询、发布询价信息等。


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