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OPEN-752 搜索结果

  • OPEN-752]倉木小夜(村上美咲、樋口啓子)[DSE-

    2023-05-11 04:30:00


  • 752. Open the Lock-腾讯云开发者社区

    752. Open the Lock-腾讯云开发者社区
    2019-05-25 16:15:43

    遵循Apache 2许可,捐赠给Outercurve基金会的ASP.NET Open Source Gallery。作为开源项目发布后,它将被命名为Open RIA Services,项目的领导者是MVP Colin Blair,他已经发布了未来三个版本的路线图: Open RIA Services 4.3 4.3将是Open RI...

  • 【Leetcode】752. Open the Lock_记录算法题解的博客

    【Leetcode】752. Open the Lock_记录算法题解的博客
    2022-11-04 20:13:40

    https://leetcode.com/problems/open-the-lock/ 给定一个由数字组成的字符串0000 00000000,从它出发每走一步可以改变某一位的数字成为其相邻的数字9 99与0 00视为相邻,并且再给定一个数组,里面含了不允许到达的数字列表,最后给定一...

  • 【LeetCode】752. Open the Lock 解题报告(Python & C++)_wx60ed...

    【LeetCode】752. Open the Lock 解题报告(Python & C++)_wx60ed...
    2021-07-14 03:44:22

    C++版本的代码如下: classSolution{public:intopenLock(vector<string>&deadends,string target){queue<string>que;que.push("0000");intstep=0;set<string>visited;for(string&d:deadends){visited.insert(d);}while(!que.empty()...

  • 752. Open the Lock - johnny_zhao -

    752. Open the Lock - johnny_zhao -
    2020-10-22 12:30:00

    package LeetCode_752 import java.util.* import kotlin.collections.HashSet /** * 752. Open the Lock * https://leetcode.com/problems/open-the-lock/ * *

  • 752. Open the Lock

    752. Open the Lock
    2023-06-24 08:04:45

    classSolution{publicintopenLock(String[]deadends,String target){Set<String>set=newHashSet<String>();for(String str:deadends){set.add(str);}String start="0000";if(set.contains(target)||set.contains(start))return-1;...

  • 752. Open the Lock 解题报告(Python) -

    752. Open the Lock 解题报告(Python) -
    2020-07-10 19:28:00

    “0”向前是“9”那么就是 (48 - ord("0") + 1) % 10 + ord("0") = 49 --> "1" “0”向后是“1”那么就是(48 - ord("0") + 9) % 10 + ord("0") = 57 --> "9" ...

  • leetcode-752. Open the Lock - link98 -

    leetcode-752. Open the Lock - link98 -
    2017-12-25 04:31:00

    leetcode-752. Open the Lock 752.Open the Lock You have a lock in front of you with 4 circular wheels. Each wheel has 10 slots:'0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9'. The wheels...


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