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RNADE-649 搜索结果

  • 本蘭[RNADE-649]愛実(秋川ルイ)[ETC-032

    2022-10-28 15:30:00


  • Frontiers | Nramp: Deprive and conquer?

    Frontiers | Nramp: Deprive and conquer?
    2022-10-12 16:00:00

    Examples of complete genomes carrying an extra copy of MCa were found in diverse bacterial classes typically harboring either MCg or MCaU, such as Burkholderiales, Sphingomonadales, Xanthomonades and Flavobacteriales, ...

  • Ahmed Eldawy

    Ahmed Eldawy
    2021-11-21 16:00:00

    R*-Grove: Balanced Spatial Partitioning for Large-Scale Datasets, In Frontiers in Big Data, August, 2020. DOI>10.3389/fdata.2020.00028 Yaming Zhang, and Ahmed Eldawy. Evaluating Computational Geometry Libraries for Big ...

  • arep.med.harvard.edu/ecoli_matrices/sco/crp.dba

    2018-06-22 16:00:00

    (100%) 1820158 celA 526 nadE 313 (0%) 1820158 celA 526 nadE 313 (0%) 1820779 osmE 510 (0%) 1821302 b1741 226 (68.182%) 1821302 b1741 226 (68.182%) 1821376 b1741 152 (100%) 1822934 b1742 -79 (0%) ...

  • 乔姆斯基内化语言理论的解读及反思——纪念《语言知识其性质来源...

    2017-06-05 16:00:00

    No.6 2015 2015 年第 6 期 东北师大学报(哲学社会科学版) 总第 278 期 Journal of Northeast Normal University(Philosophy and Social Sciences) Sum No. 278 [001] 10. 16164/j. cnki. 22-1062/c. 2015. 06. 033 乔特斯...

  • Astralis vs. FaZe at FACEIT Major 2018 | HLTV.org

    Astralis vs. FaZe at FACEIT Major 2018 | HLTV.org
    2022-11-29 13:54:19

    the only chances they had was when astralis fucked it up with nades through mid and allout aggression, and when astralis was caught offguard by a very aggressive faze round. no fighting chance faze wouldve ever won ...


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