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KAME-003 搜索结果

  • 大熊紋季[KAME-003]小日向葵[GEKSD-026]作

    2020-08-21 20:30:00


  • 附柜(PT003) -

    附柜(PT003) -
    2019-12-05 16:00:00

    LDH showed that the second 001 diffraction line (006) became more accentuated than the first one (003) according to the intercalation of Pt components. ... Y Kameshima,A Nakajima,K Okada,... - Journal- Ceramic Soci...

  • 万年龟 -

    万年龟 -
    2022-09-04 16:00:00

    重庆 万年龟 KameManNen KMN 134 化繁为简 眼镜乌龙茶 从事高档销售验配眼镜12年,眼镜只是工具,别小题大做 作为日本手造眼镜品牌的天花板,万年龟始终以打造经久耐用,细节满满的眼镜为目标,品牌名称取自日本俗语千年鹤,万年龟,寓意能...

  • DC5.0上的vpn(ipsec+openswan) - Fangrn的j2ee,linux - ITeye博客

    DC5.0上的vpn(ipsec+openswan) - Fangrn的j2ee,linux - ITeye博客
    2009-12-08 06:42:00

    1)IPSec 's VPN 其主要代表有 FreeS/WAN、KAME IPSec在Linux上支持主要有两个主要的分类,一为FreeS/WAN,现在已经停止开发,其分裂为两个项目,Openswan与 Strongswan。其可以用自身的IPsec内核堆栈(Kernel stack),称为KLIPS,也可以用2.6...

  • Frontiers | Mantle Potential Temperature Estimates and...

    Frontiers | Mantle Potential Temperature Estimates and...
    2018-05-30 16:00:00

    provinces, generated by high degrees of melting under high mantle temperatures, and provide a clear record of the thermal regime (Herzberg and O'Hara, 2002;Kamenetsky et al., 2012). In cases where ultramafic volcanic ...


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