
来自:NewPPP     发表于:2021-04-25 08:30:00     浏览:170次
  • 作 品:RGMA-006封面与中文介绍RGMA作品系列
  • 出版日期:2008-07-25
  • 片 长:65分钟
  • 发行商:竜宮城
  • 种子搜索下载:RGMA-006
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  • 相关资料:
    1. RGMA HAS TWO DOMAINS THAT ARE INVOLVED IN RETINO-TECTALtarget area in the brain.Axonal growth is under the control of membrane- and matrix-associated proteins present in the environment of the growing tip of axons (the growth cone).The Repulsive Guidance Molecule(RGMa)acts ...
    2. RGMa, a putative Neogenin ligand, is expressed in E11.5 and...RGMa, a putative Neogenin ligand, is expressed in E11.5 and P0 NS, but is co-expressed with a subset of Nestin-positive and Neogenin-positive cells only in E11.5 NS.Lorelei D. Shoemaker...
    3. Coal-tar andCoal-tar and ammonia Coaltar products.Gurney and Jackson,
    4. 308739 - Gene ResultRgma repulsive guidance molecule BMPSilencing miR-20a-5p inhibits axonal growth and neuronal branching and prevents epileptogenesis through RGMa-RhoA-mediated synaptic plasticity. RGMa promotes reactive astrogliosis and glial scar formation by forming a complex wi...
    5. In vitro transwell assays confirm RGMa-mediatedIn vitro transwell assays confirm RGMa-mediated interneuron repulsion is inhibited by Netrin-1.Conor, O'LearyStacey, J. ColeMichael, LangfordJayani, HewageAmanda, WhiteHelen, M. Cooper...
    6. RGMa对体外血管新生的作用及相关机制研究-5.采用蛋白免疫印迹法检测RGMa对正常细胞和VEGF驱动细胞的粘附斑激酶(focal adhesion kinase,FAK)的397位点酪氨酸磷酸化的影响。6.采用FITC标记的鬼笔环肽(phalloidin)染色F-actin和FAK(pY397)一抗和二抗标记的细胞荧光检测RGMa对正常...
    7. Transcript: RGMA-208 (ENST00000556658.1) - Summary -Transcript: RGMA-208 ENST00000556658.1Description repulsive guidance molecule BMP co-receptor a [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:30308] Gene Synonyms RGM Location Chromosome 15: 93,044,956-93,073,663 reverse strand. About ...
    8. Das repulsive guidance molecule RGMa in der Entwicklung und...Das repulsive guidance molecule RGMa in der Entwicklung und Regeneration des entorhino-hippocampalen Systems1 EINLEITUNG 1.1 Die entorhino-hippocampale Formation als Modell 1.2 Mechanismen der axonalen W egfindung 1.2.1...
    9. Fig. 1: Treatment with humanized anti-RGMa antibodyanti-RGMa (100?μg/day), **palivizumab vs. anti-RGMa (200?μg/day). (h) Survival curves of NOD-EAE mice treated with palivizumab or anti-RGMa antibody. (i) The days after immunization at which relapse ...

  • 作 品:DSH-006封面与中文介绍DSH作品系列
  • 出版日期:2008-07-28
  • 片 长:133分钟
  • 发行商:ユープランニング
  • 种子搜索下载:DSH-006
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  • 相关资料:
    1. Dsh006 python基础编程--列表_RossLiugy的博客Dsh006 python基础编程--列表 1、序列(sequence) 1.1 基本概念 序列是python中最基本的一种数据结构,用于保存一组有序的数据,所有的数据在序列中都有一个唯一的位置(索引),并且序列中的数据会按照添加的顺序来分配索引...
    2. dsh吧 - 百度贴吧本吧热帖: 1-德国留学资料,快来领取!!! 2-【经历分享搬运】 3-申请季还有15天,有任何申请或者语言方面的问题,欢迎提问。自 4-不要学费,还给你补贴德国双元制留学 5-杜伊斯堡埃森大学DSH经验分享 6-德国留学重要网站,推荐!分享! ...
    3. 在德国考dsh是一种怎样的体验? -上面已经有答主在讲听力和口语啦,我就捡个漏,说一说DSH考试的写作部分(虽然题主没问,但我。。
    4. DSH -DSH考试全称是 “德国高校外国申请者入学德语考试” (Deutsche Sprachprüfung für den Hochschulzugang ausl?ndischer Studienbewerber)。 它由德国各高校单独组织, 但基本模式是统一的, 重点在于考察学生对所提供的文章的口头和书面的...
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