1. Population density and water balance influence the global...Species distribution models (SDMs) The compiled dataset was used to build species distribution models for the waterborne HEV genotypes using the MaxEnt algorithm22. Prior to developing the model, 25% of the dataset was rand...
2. 2011年第2批立项项目公告503 11C26212204330 大倾角长距离高效无轴螺旋输送机 吉林市博大设备成套有限公司 无偿资助 90 504 11C26212204331 电磁感应交互式电子白板 珲春国遥博诚科技有限公司 无偿资助 80 505 11C26212204332 多功能综合除雪机 白山星泰石油化工科...
3. Port 1-1023 _51CTO博客503 Intrinsa. 504 citadel. 505 mailbox-lm. 506 ohimsrv. 507 crs. 508 xvttp. 509 snare. 510 FirstClass Protocol. 511 mynet-as. 512 Remote process execution; Used by mail system to notify users of new mail receiv...
4. s_第311页_有道词典sdms spatial data man sdom sub domain sdotty sdp client sdp client sdp standards develop sdpservice discovery sdra chiew lian keng sdrad sdram cas latency tim sdsl serial digital s sdsm space division s sdss spatialda...
5. 《常见端口对照表》 503,intrinsa,Intrinsa 504,citadel,citadel 505,mailbox-lm,mailbox-lm 506,ohimsrv,ohimsrv 507,crs,crs 508,xvttp,xvttp 509,snare,snare 510,fcp,FirstClass Protocol 511,mynet,mynet-as 512,exec,remote process execution;...