
来自:私密地带分享     发表于:2017-05-15 14:32:50     浏览:322次

ppp fff aaa xxx 777333&ttt*rrr333&ttt*rrr333&ttt*rrrtook a rrr cloth ttt, eye reddish, and with theymm3963 againstthe wall and escaping zxi3963 end, manager Wang busy up he smiled and said: "this is a wine offering? Wait till Zhou Erlang comes down and tell him, or else he won't cry." Yuan Xiucai laughed: "not, what just cry, afraid to laugh, I have to hurry to find a few pieces of clothes to get married......"

The temperature o333&ttt*rrrf public forest covered floating Wu joy, foot wind, a small yard with a way to avoid being seen is not far away from the stage after the past. Small slender wa333&ttt*rrrs fond of his own love, Yao mom left sent to please their tryst, this rare opportunity, say what also have broken her body, the two!

The boy opened the door, to let into the public emergency temperature, two three public looking at the country rushed into the door of the house, half the courtyard, looked around, walked out of the gate straight. In the dense trees after hiding in the bushes, looked at the immediate situation rather baffling.

Wen Guogong opened the door to get in, I saw the house windows closed, dark curtain falls, almost invisible, Wen Guogong stood, frowning four see tentatively shouted: "fine?"

"The melody ~" voice like anger like joy, sweet 'buzzing' sound, temperature of public rejoicing, go east rushed past, behind him, the half open door quietly shut, blocking out the bright light.

Wen Guogong rushed into the East, the more black is almost invisible things, only faintly see the bed curled up a white soft body temperature, Guogong threw his folding fan pleasantly surprised at that, excited trembling hands pulled chaos Luanche off with his clothes, his mouth he cried: "little darling, Lord heart, God has come, let you see God's glory, to keep you comfortable lost soul......"

  But whatever secrets the Tarahumara are hiding, they’ve hidden them well. To this day, theTarahumara live in the side of cliffs higher than a hawk’s nest in a land few have ever seen. TheBarrancas are a lost world in the most remote wilderness in North America, a sort of a shoreboundBermuda Triangle known for swallowing the misfits and desperadoes who stray inside. Lots of badthings can happen down there, and probably will; survive the man-eating jaguars, deadly snakes,and blistering heat, and you’ve still got to deal with “canyon fever,” a potentially fatal freak-outbrought on by the Barrancas’ desolate eeriness. The deeper you penetrate into the Barrancas, themore it feels like a crypt sliding shut around you. The walls tighten, shadows spread, phantomechoes whisper; every route out seems to end in sheer rock. Lost prospectors would be gripped bysuch madness and despair, they’d slash their own throats or hurl themselves off cliffs. Littlesurprise that few strangers have ever seen the Tarahumara’s homeland—let alone the Tarahumara.

  But somehow the White Horse had made his way to the depths of the Barrancas. And there, it’ssaid, he was adopted by the Tarahumara as a friend and kindred spirit; a ghost among ghosts. He’dcertainly mastered two Tarahumara skills—invisibility and extraordinary endurance—becauseeven though he was spotted all over the canyons, no one seemed to know where he lived or whenhe might appear next. If anyone could translate the ancient secrets of the Tarahumara, I was told, itwas this lone wanderer of the High Sierras.

  I’d become so obsessed with finding Caballo Blanco that as I dozed on the hotel sofa, I could evenimagine the sound of his voice. “Probably like Yogi Bear ordering burritos at Taco Bell,” I mused.

  A guy like that, a wanderer who’d go anywhere but fit in nowhere, must live inside his own headand rarely hear his own voice. He’d make weird jokes and crack himself up. He’d have a boominglaugh and atrocious Spanish. He’d be loud and chatty and … and …Wait. I was hearing him. My eyes popped open to see a dusty cadaver in a tattered straw hatbantering with the desk clerk. Trail dust streaked his gaunt face like fading war paint, and theshocks of sun-bleached hair sticking out from under the hat could have been trimmed with ahunting knife. He looked like a castaway on a desert island, even to the way he seemed hungry forconversation with the bored clerk.

  “Caballo?” I croaked.

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  The cadaver turned, smiling, and I felt like an idiot. He didn’t look wary; he looked confused, asany tourist would when confronted by a deranged man on a sofa suddenly hollering “Horse!”

  This wasn’t Caballo. There was no Caballo. The whole thing was a hoax, and I’d fallen for it.



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