
来自:建设工程PPP争议解决FIDIC合同     发表于:2019-09-27 08:46:01     浏览:464次

Public Private Partnerships 

Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) are a very broad range of partnership where the public and private sectors collaborate for some mutual benefit.


PPPs were first developed in the UK in the 1990s in the belief that private sector companies might be more efficient at providing certain services than public authorities and so could deliver better value for money for taxpayers.


PPPs can cover a range of partnerships to deliver policies, services, buildings or infrastructure, from hospital catering to maintenance and renewal of London Underground. Partnerships can be with either central or local government.


The three main categories of PPP are:


-Concession contracts, where a private sector company provides a concession on behalf of a public authority, for which the public pays them (such as a toll road).


-Private Finance Initiatives (PFI), where a private sector company finances and provides a public service that might include construction, maintenance and operation, for which they are paid by a public authority.


 -Institutional PPP where a joint venture company is established jointly by a public authority and a private company to provide a public service.


PFI is the most common form of PPP (ref. HM Treasury: Public private partnerships), and is one of the three procurement routes preferred by the Government Construction Strategy for central civil government projects. Generally it is only suitable for large-scale projects, i.e. those with a capital cost of over £20 million (ref. Achieving Excellence Guide 6 - Procurement and Contract Strategies P6), such as hospitals and schools.


However, in 2011, the damning House of Commons Treasury Select Committee report on PFI found '...that PFI projects are significantly more expensive to fund over the life of a project' and that there is no '...clear evidence of savings and benefits in other areas of PFI projects which are sufficient to offset this significantly higher cost of finance'. It is difficult to see where this leaves private finance initiatives.

然而,2011年,英国下议院财政特别委员会(House of Commons Treasury Select Committee)关于PFI的报告发现,“……PFI项目在整个项目生命周期内的融资成本要高得多,而且没有这样的项目……PFI项目其他领域的节省和收益的明显证据,足以抵消这一显著较高的融资成本。很难看出私人融资计划将何去何从.

Following a review of PFI, the government published details of a new approach in 2012, stating that it '…remains committed to private sector involvement in delivering infrastructure and services, but has recognised the need to address the widespread concerns…'.


The new version of PFI is referred to as PF2. See PF2 for more information.


However, in the 2018 Autumn Budget, Chancellor Philip Hammond confirmed that the government would be scrapping both PFI and PF2 contracts, with no more being signed. Addressing the House of Commons, Hammond said: "I'm committed to PPP where it delivers value to the taxpayer and shifts risk to the private sector. There is compelling evidence that PFI does neither."

然而,在2018年秋季预算中,英国财政大臣菲利普*哈蒙德(Philip Hammond)承认,政府将取消PFI和PF2合同,不再签署任何合同。哈蒙德在下议院发表讲话时说:“我负责的说,PPP项目为纳税人带来价值并将风险转移到私营部门,有确凿证据表明,PFI两者都没有。”

On 13 March 2019, The government opened a consultation on how best to support private investment in infrastructure. The review will look at the government’s tools for supporting private investment, and how they are delivered, in the context of the UK’s changing relationship with the European Investment Bank. The consultation closes on 5 June 2019.

2019年3月13日,政府就如何最好地支持私人投资基础设施展开了公开咨询,评估将着眼于政府支持私人投资工具,以及在英国与欧洲投资银行(European investment Bank)关系不断变化的背景下,这些工具是如何实现的。公开咨询将于2019年6月5日结束。

