
来自:NewPPP     发表于:2021-03-10 07:30:00     浏览:146次
  • 作 品:EROD-105封面与中文介绍EROD作品系列
  • 出版日期:2006-08-25
  • 片 长:87分钟
  • 发行商:桃太郎映像出版
  • 种子搜索下载:EROD-105
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    3. Developmental exposure to brominated diphenyl ethers results...Increased liver to body weight ratios in offspring were consistent with induction of EROD (maximal 95-fold), PROD (maximal 26-fold) or UDPGT (maximal 4.7-fold). Induction of PROD was similar in both dams and ...
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  • 出版日期:2006-05-25
  • 片 长:477分钟
  • 发行商:ダイナマイツ奥様
  • 种子搜索下载:DXQX-001
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