
来自:北京哈罗英国学校HISB     发表于:2017-02-23 18:45:02     浏览:359次

As part of the whole school Parent Partnership Programme we warmly invite you to attend the presentation '21st Century Parenting' on Thursday 23rd February at 8.30am in the Lecture Theatre. Parenting in the 21st Century is a parent Seminar focused on what sets parenting today apart from parenting in the past. The challenges of a new and developed China, international education, and a world knitted closely together by media and internet: all of which call for a new paradigm of parenting to ensure your child's daily and long term success. We will identify practical strategies and the often simple steps you can initiate to help your child learn the skills of problem solving, self-awareness, emotional regulation and self-motivation.

作为全校家长合作计划的一部分,我们热情地邀请您于2月23日(周四)早8.30 前来Lecture Theatre参加《21世纪家庭教育方式》讲座。该讲座将由Stephanie Tebow女士主讲,主要探讨决定当代家庭教育方式的因素。在中国高速发展、国际教育和全球化媒体及网络带来的挑战下,我们无疑需要一个新的家庭教育模式来保障孩子的日常和长期成就。届时,我们会解释一些实用的策略,并传授您一些简单的步骤,来帮助您的孩子学习诸如解决问题、自我意识、情绪控制和自我激励等技能。

Please click 'Read More' to register. We look forward to welcoming you on Thursday.

